Si te encanta el olor del aire del océano, el paisaje del agua, las playas rocosas, las caminatas por la naturaleza, la historia y los deliciosos mariscos, y quieres experimentar Japón fuera de lo común, Gamagori es uno de los lugares que debes agregar a tu lista de destinos de viaje en Japón. Gamagori es...Read More
El cosplay, el arte de vestirse y caracterizar los personajes de anime, manga, videojuegos, programas de televisión, y se ha convertido en un fenómeno mundial a lo largo de los años. Una vez vestidos con su cosplay, los cosplayers asisten a convenciones para tomar fotos, participar en competencias o realizar rutinas teatrales. El World Cosplay...Read More
Cuando escuchamos por primera vez que Ghibli Park iba a abrir cerca de Nagoya en el otoño de 2022, ¡estuvimos muy emocionados! Claro que todavía faltaban años, pero significaría que más viajeros occidentales visitarían y disfrutarían Nagoya, y con suerte se quedarían para ver más de nuestro fascinante segundo hogar. Conseguimos los primeros avances de...Read More
Toyokawa, una ciudad ubicada al este de la prefectura de Aichi, alberga uno de los santuarios más maravillosos de Japón: Toyokawa Inari. Un destino de visita obligada al visitar Japón. Toyokawa Inari se considera uno de los tres grandes templos de Inari de Japón y es un lugar adorado por millones de visitantes cada año....Read More
There are 2 sides to Gamagori, a coastal city 40 minutes away from Nagoya. On the one hand, it’s a popular seaside and hot spring resort where people come to relax and enjoy the smell of ocean air, the water scenery, rocky beaches, nature hikes, and fresh seafood. On the other hand, it also has...Read More
Nagoya is known as one of largest industrial cities in the country, but it is also a very green city. Its streets are lined with trees and shrubs and there are parks of various sizes dotted about town whether it’s Nagoya’s impressive Meijo Park or a tiny little patch of grass acting as a playground...Read More
Okazaki is a peaceful city with a rich history that can be seen in its castle, temples, and historical sites. It is a city that prides itself as being the birthplace of one of the most famous men in Japanese history Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was a major player in the unification of Japan and the...Read More
At first glance, Ankake Spaghetti may look like the Italian pasta that Mama used to make, but it’s definitely not like what you’re used to. Give this to an Italian chef and he would probably be horrified that someone is actually calling this “pasta!” Though this style of pasta is definitely unconventional, that doesn’t make...Read More
Japanese kites are considered some of the most spectacular in the world, appreciated both for their aesthetic value, and as traditional toys. They have many different styles and types of kites, and each region of Japan has its own distinctive shape. Here we have some cicada kites. Thankfully they don’t make the same noise! In...Read More
You probably won’t be surprised to hear that Japan loves its noodles, or men as it’s called in Japanese. There are all sorts of kinds: Ramen, Somen, Tsukemen, Tantanmen, Ikemen… OK, that last one actually isn’t a type of noodle, but to anyone who knows some Japanese, you might get the joke! Kishimen is part...Read More